I'm trying to output data into the CListView of the current user only. So far, if I put in the $dataProvider, it only outputs ALL the records from the database.
This is my current code:
$current = Yii::app()->user->id;
$currentid = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("select * from content where id = ". $current)->queryRow();
$this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(
'dataProvider'=>$dataProvider, //This is the original. I tried replacing it
//with $currentid but errors.
From what I understand from the Yii Documentations, $dataProvider stores all the data within the database and places it inside the dataProvider itself and my "_view2" uses that to output all the records.
My Controller codes for the showing/view is as follows:
public function actionView()
$post->view_count = $post->view_count + 1;
Yii::app()->db->createCommand("UPDATE content SET view_count = {$post->view_count} WHERE id = {$post->id}")->execute();
$comment=$this->newComment($post, 'view');
if (!empty(Yii::app()->session['announcement_message']))
Yii::app()->session['announcement_message'] = null;
public function actionShow($id)
'content_id' => $id,
If you wanted to see my _view2, these are my codes:
<div class="profile-member-post-box announcement" >
<div class="events-post-bodytext profile-member-info">
<?php $person=Persons::model()->findByAttributes(array('party_id'=>$data->party_id));
if ($person->party_id === Yii::app()->user->id)
<span><?=CHtml::link($data->title, array('view', 'id'=>$data->id), array('class' => 'titlelink'));?></span>
$location = empty($country) ? '' : 'of '.$country->name;
By: <?php echo CHtml::link($person->getusername(), array('persons/view/id/'.$person->showViewLinkId())); ?>
<span class="date2"> - <?php echo date('M j, Y',strtotime($data->date_created)); ?></span>
<?php if(Yii::app()->partyroles->isAdmin() || ((get_access('Announcement','edit') && (Yii::app()->user->id == $data->party_id)) || (get_local_access('sub-admin','edit',$data->id)))):?>
<a href="<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl('announcement/update', array('id'=>$data["id"]))?>">Edit</a> | <?php endif;?> <?php echo (Yii::app()->partyroles->isAdmin() || (get_access('Announcement','delete') && (Yii::app()->user->id == $data->party_id)) || (get_local_access('sub-admin','delete',$data->id))) ? CHtml::link('Delete','#',array('submit'=>array('delete','id'=>$data["id"]),'confirm'=>'Are you sure you want to delete this item?')) : NULL?>
I just need to be able to fix the view to show records only by the current user.
I'm going to add my actionIndex here:
public function actionIndex()
if(get_access('Announcement','view') || get_access('Announcement','view_local'))
$id = Yii::app()->user->id;
$condition = Persons::model()->get_view_condition('Announcement');
$criteria=new CDbCriteria(array(
'condition'=>'1=1 '.$condition,
'order'=>'date_modified DESC',
'name' => 'blogs_per_page',
$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Announcement', array(
/* $dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Announcement', array(
'content_id' => $id,
if (!empty(Yii::app()->session['announcement_message']))
Yii::app()->session['announcement_message'] = null;