On an ubuntu 10.04 server, i have a 30mb log file from php.
Unfortunately the log looks like this:
[calid] => 3114
[email] => somemail@hotmail.com
[firstname] => John
[lastname] => Smith
[address] => Lorem ipsum.
[city] => Lorem
[postcode] => 1345
[date] => 01-12-2013
[calid] => 3111
[firstname] => Lisa
[lastname] => Smith
[address] => Lorem ipsum.
[city] => Lorem
[postcode] => 4110
[email] => somemail@gmail.com
[phone] => 12345678
[age] => 24
[gender] => female
[customer] => true
[terms] => true
[newsletter] => true
[date] => 01-12-2013
How can i parse this into something more useful? A csv would be nice.