doufei2007 2013-09-20 04:49
浏览 694


I am facing a problem in loading the TinyMCE 3.5.8 for malayalam language. I have did the following steps. 1. Downloaded the TinyMCE.3.5.8 2. Downloaded the language pack(malayalam) for TinyMCE 3.x

and done the following steps.

Edit the html file tinymce/examples/simple.html


     language : "ml", // change language here

     mode : "textareas",

     theme : "simple"   


Uploaded the following:




Issue: When I run the tinymce/examples/simple.html it is not loading the textarea, when I change the language to en it textarea is working fine. Can anybody say how can I fix this issue?

Or please suggest any other rich text editors to do the same.

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  • dongzhi6382 2013-09-20 05:20

    In the above, you say that you've uploaded ...themes/advanced/langs, but the simple.html loads the simple theme. If you want to use the simple theme, upload ...themes/simple/langs as well. Alternatively, if you only plan on using the advanced theme, set theme to advanced and see if it works.

    If that doesn't fix your issue: If your browser has a network monitor, use that to check for 404 responses on the simple.html test page. It'll tell you which file it's not finding as expected.

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