i have this code for uploading image and storing in database i want to rename it to a random name first,then upload it and store in database how should i change my code? please help me! here is my PHP code :
$file_name = $imageFile['name'];
$target_path = "images/news/".$file_name;
if(move_uploaded_file($imageFile['tmp_name'], $target_path)) {
echo "<div id=\"news\">";
echo "Image : "."<br>".$file_name;
echo "<br>";
echo "Successfuly Uploaded!";
echo "<br>";
$newstitle = $_POST['title'];
$newscontent = $_POST['content'];
$newsimage = "images/news/".$file_name;
$sql="insert into news (news_title,news_content,news_image,news_date) values ('$newstitle', '$newscontent','$newsimage',' $newsdate')";
if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE)
echo "Image Stored in DB!</div>";
echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $conn->error;