In my CakePHP app, I want to include a login form on every page with a login button if the user is not logged in and a logout button if they are logged in.
Here is my Auth configuration in AppController.php
var $components = array
'Auth' => array
'authenticate' => array
'Form' => array
'fields' => array('username' => 'email'),
'passwordHasher' => array
'className' => 'Simple',
'hashType' => 'sha256'
I want to set a flag that is usable in all the views to check if the user is logged in. I have tried to do this through AppController::beforeFiter()
function beforeFilter()
$this->layout = 'default';
Every controller works except the PagesController. Just to make sure that it isn't an allow/deny issue this is PagesController::beforeFilter
function beforeFilter()
AppController::beforeFilter() does in fact get called when I go to my home page but the var_dump($this->Auth->user()) in AppController::beforeFilter() prints NULL.
Is user Authentication not available for static pages?