SO I want to find that if value x is exits between the values of 2 columns or not, For that i have run the query in phpmyadmin :
Normal Approch :-
SELECT * FROM `traits_versions` WHERE 16 BETWEEN `trait_value_lower` and `trait_value_upper` and `style_id` = 1
and it is giving me fine result.But when the same approach i want to find achieve in YII that it is not running and giving the sql error :
YII apprroch :-
$details = array();
$criteria = new CDbCriteria();
$trait_details= $this->find($criteria);
When i debug the query in log than it shows in case of yii :
SELECT * FROM `traits_versions` `t` WHERE ((style_id=1) AND (version=1)) AND (16 BETWEEN NULL AND NULL) LIMIT 1
Why it is giving NULL value in query while i'm passing the name of the column in it. So please guide me where i'm going wrong in yii.