I am having trouble using a variable generated in one function, as a variable in a second function.
The Problem:
I get Notice: Undefined variable: parameter in the validate function, on the line:
$this->$methodName($item,$value,$parameter) OR $valid=false;
When the function call for splitRulesAndParameters is simply replaced with the code within the function, the problem goes away.
The Scenario:
The following two functions are both within the Validator class, the first, validate, makes use of the second, splitRulesAndParameters
Here is the validate function:
public function validate($data, $rules)
$valid= true;
foreach($rules as $item=>$ruleSet)
foreach($ruleSetArray as $rule)
$value = isset($data[$item]) ? $data[$item] : NULL;
if(method_exists($this, $methodName))
$this->$methodName($item,$value,$parameter) OR $valid=false;
return $valid;
And here is the splitRulesAndParameters function
public function splitRulesAndParameters($rule)
$position = strpos($rule, ':');
if($position !==false)
$parameter = substr($rule,$position + 1);
$rule = substr($rule,0,$position);