dqvj51875 2014-05-16 18:41
浏览 25


I am trying to populate a grid with information from a database table. I managed to achieve this using brute-force and mysql, but would like to do it in a more elegant way now that I am upgrading the code to mysqli. This is my desired output:

|col0row0 title      |col1row0 title      |
|col0row0 author     |col1row0 author     |
|col0row0 email      |col1row0 email      |
|col0row1 title      |col1row1 title      |
|col0row1 author     |col1row1 author     |
|col0row1 email      |col1row1 email      |
| and so on for subsequent rows

I managed to do that in the past using extremely ugly code as shown:

for($x=0;$x<$numberSides;$x++) {
    for ($y=0;$y<$numberRows;$y++) {        
        $queryString[$x][$y] = "SELECT * from comments WHERE topic_id = '1' AND col = '{$x}' AND row = '{$y}' ";

$col0Row0_mysqlQuery = mysql_query($queryString[0][0] , $commenting_conn) or die(mysql_error());
$col0Row1_mysqlQuery = mysql_query($queryString[0][1] , $commenting_conn) or die(mysql_error());
$col0Row2_mysqlQuery = mysql_query($queryString[0][2] , $commenting_conn) or die(mysql_error());
$col1Row0_mysqlQuery = mysql_query($queryString[1][0] , $commenting_conn) or die(mysql_error());
$col1Row1_mysqlQuery = mysql_query($queryString[1][1] , $commenting_conn) or die(mysql_error());
$col1Row2_mysqlQuery = mysql_query($queryString[1][2] , $commenting_conn) or die(mysql_error());

// load those into output arrays
$col0Row0_output = mysql_fetch_assoc($col0Row0_mysqlQuery);
$col0Row1_output = mysql_fetch_assoc($col0Row1_mysqlQuery);
$col0Row2_output = mysql_fetch_assoc($col0Row2_mysqlQuery);
$col1Row0_output = mysql_fetch_assoc($col1Row0_mysqlQuery);
$col1Row1_output = mysql_fetch_assoc($col1Row1_mysqlQuery);
$col1Row2_output = mysql_fetch_assoc($col1Row2_mysqlQuery);

and then I would echo the col0row0_output['title'], col0row0_output['author'], etc for each field in the grid for my desired output. This is not the efficient way to code this, but I'm a beginner so I did what I had to make it work for a demo.

Each comment in my table already contains a column and a row field, so I would like to actually translate that directly into the grid. To explain further: each grid square could have more than one comment. so the records could look like this:

Table fields: "title" / "author" / "email" / "row" / "col" Record 0: TitleA /AuthorA /EmailA /0 /0 Record 1: TitleB /AuthorB /EmailB /1 /0 Record 2: TitleC /AuthorC /EmailC /0 /1 Record 3: TitleD /AuthorA /EmailA /1 /1 Record 4: TitleE /AuthorB /EmailB /0 /0

Hence Record 0 and Record 4 are both in grid square 0,0. I'm now trying to move to a loop and a 3D array to make it work. I would like to be able to create the 3D array such that my echo command would be something like output[0][0]['title'] for the title field for col0row0, output[1][0]['author'] for the col1row0.

I'm also moving away from mysql and replacing it with mysqli.(PDO is a bit too advanced for me, but if people think that PDO has the best solution, I guess I can learn from your responses).

For example, can I create a loop where the SQL result is stored as an array? eg:

for($x=0;$x<$numberSides;$x++) {
    for ($y=0;$y<$numberRows;$y++) {        
        $queryString[$x][$y] = "SELECT * from comments WHERE topic_id = '1' AND col = '{$x}' AND row = '{$y}' ";
        $sqlResult[$x][$y] = mysqli_query($connection, $queryString[$x][$y]);
        $resultArray[$x][$y] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlResult[$x][$y]);

Would that work? Is there an elegant way to achieve what I am hoping to do? I appreciate any guidance on this. Thanks!

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  • duanhuai7532 2014-05-17 21:42

    Figured it out:

    for($x=0;$x<$numberSides;$x++) {
    for ($y=0;$y<$numberRows;$y++) {        
        $queryString[$x][$y] = "SELECT * FROM comments WHERE topic_id = '{$topicid}' AND side = '{$x}' AND row = '{$y}'";
        $result[$x][$y] = mysqli_query($db_connection,$queryString[$x][$y]) or die(mysqli_error($db_connection));
        while($eachcomment = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result[$x][$y])) {
            $array[$x][$y][] = $eachcomment;


    FTW. :)

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