First off I'm new to Linux.
I've installed Apache, Mysql and PHP on to a raspberry pi(Debian, not raspbian, so all command driven), and i've written a file upload php script, which works for small files, but I can't get it to upload a 85M file, it doesn't come back with any warnings or errors(I have taken the script size limitations out).
I have tried changing the max_upload, etc in the /etc/php5/cli/php.ini and /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and nothing makes a difference, am I missing something or is there a limitation on the pi?
The point of this website is to allow large uploads directly onto the company network as have shared the upload directory.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
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Debian Php Max文件上传
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doudang9147 2014-05-02 08:19关注You probably did everything right, but didn't do enough. To my knowledge, there are a few things to change in a config:
# Max file size: upload_max_filesize = some value # But let's not forget that files are a part of POST request, so let's set its limits as well: post_max_size = some value
Maybe this will help
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