duan0818 2019-06-30 08:51
浏览 352


I have clapper player andI i add url m3u8 and I need to encoding the url

this is the code:

   var player = new Clappr.Player({source: 'http://vstream2.hadara.ps:8081/AlfajertvHD2_web/web1/playlist.m3u8',

parentId: '#player', mimeType: 'application/x-mpegURL',plugins: [DashShakaPlayback,LevelSelector,ChromecastPlugin],levelSelectorConfig: {
title: 'Quality',
labels: {
    2: 'High', // 500kbps
    1: 'Med', // 240kbps
    0: 'Low', // 120kbps
labelCallback: function(playbackLevel, customLabel) {
    return customLabel + playbackLevel.level.height+'p'; // High 720p
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  • drpp5680 2019-06-30 11:21

    it should work like this:

    var player = new Clappr.Player({
        source: window.atob(<?php echo '"' . base64_encode($data['link']) . '"'; ?>),
        parentId: '#player',
        mimeType: 'application/x-mpegURL',
        plugins: [DashShakaPlayback,LevelSelector,ChromecastPlugin],
        levelSelectorConfig: {
            title: 'Quality',
            labels: {
                2: 'High', // 500kbps
                1: 'Med', // 240kbps
                0: 'Low', // 120kbps
            labelCallback: function(playbackLevel, customLabel) {
                return customLabel + playbackLevel.level.height+'p'; // High 720p

    But I still think, you should look up on the site where you bought the stream from, if they support any kind of encryption. The shaka player plugin which you are using, supports aes encryption, so it should be ok. You will probably need to implement some logic in php to sign the stream url.

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