doucang9673 2018-09-26 17:12
浏览 46


In Wordpress is there any way to check if any specific class added to html tag of document? More Likely Modernzir (browser based) classes for enqueuing scripts etc.

<html class="queryselector svg cssall willchange audio canvas video adownload bgpositionshorthand cssremunit rgba csscalc cssgradients csschunit supports no-touchevents **no-cssscrollbar** cssvhunit cssvwunit formvalidation cssanimations appearance no-backdropfilter backgroundcliptext csscolumns csscolumns-width no-csscolumns-span csscolumns-fill csscolumns-gap csscolumns-rule csscolumns-rulecolor csscolumns-rulestyle csscolumns-rulewidth no-csscolumns-breakbefore no-csscolumns-breakafter no-csscolumns-breakinside no-cssgridlegacy cssgrid cssfilters flexbox shapes csstransforms backgroundblendmode fa-events-icons-ready wf-opensans-n4-active wf-active" lang="en-US">

For example if you check above code block, you can see that modernizr has added multiple classes based on browser compatibility. So i simply want to check if <html> has any specific class, for instance no-cssscrollbar to check if browser supports CSS3 scroll bar.

I tried different approaches including php class_exists() function, but no luck so far. I want to detect class without JS or jQuery approach.

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