doushajian2018 2019-07-06 07:22
浏览 142


I have a table named 'service_cat'. I want to make a search form to search in this table. user will enter a city name and service. and I have to search the database accordingly. the problem is if the user types a parent service name it doesn't have any city.

I have tried multiple select queries, nested queries but found nothing. is my DB table screenshot

if(isset($_POST["city"]) AND isset($_POST["service"])){


        $this->form_validation->set_rules("city", "City", "trim");
        $this->form_validation->set_rules("service", "Service", "trim");


            $city = sanitize_string(make_string($this->input->post("city"), "l"));
            $service = sanitize_string(make_string($this->input->post("service"), "l"));


            $services = $this->services_model->query("select * from service_cat where service_name = '$service' AND city='$city'");

            $data["res"] = "Invalid Request.";


i want to display parent child list in search result.

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