dou7466 2019-06-20 11:34 采纳率: 0%
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如何在Symfony 4本地Web服务器上启用HTTPS

I'm working on Symfony 4 project locally using symfony local web server. How to enable HTTPS locally?

  1. In docs said to use "symfony server:ca:install" command, but I get a error message:

There are no commands defined in the "server:ca" namespace. Did you mean one of these?



  1. Then I found and tried to add

    - { path: ^/, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY, requires_channel: https }

and clear cache after all. But now it redirected from to with no access to the site

So what is the correct way to configure https?

The main reason to enable https is I want to configure sign in with Facebook, but Facebook demands https connection. So I cannot test it. Or, if you know the way to test sign in with Facebook without https - it would be the best decision!)

Thank you in advance and have a good day who read it!)

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  • dt3358 2019-06-20 11:44

    You probably do not run symfony command correctly, or maybe you have some weird symbolic links. Here is a sample output for my system:

    $ symfony server:ca:install
     [OK] The local Certificate Authority is installed and trusted                                                          

    And what you quote as output looks more like bin/console response.

    FYI, symfony console command can be downloaded here:

    And re your 2nd point, that configuration is valid but it does not enable HTTPS, it only ensures that certain URLs have protocol requirements.

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