I have some issues when trying to perform a soap request to a salesforce api from a php code deployed on an apache 2.4 server (Centos 7).
My soap request works fine on localhost running with the php built-in server (php -S Its also works fine when I launch the built-in php server on my remote Centos host (php -S -c path-to-my-ini/php.ini). But doesn't works on apache. The problem is that I don't get any error response, it just returns null with status 200 so I have no way to debug deeply.
Here is my Soap client config:
public function getClient(){
$wsdl = PUBLIC_PATH.'/wsdl-metadata.xml'; // le fichier wsdl
// creation de l'objet SOAP avec proxy et trace à TRUE
$service = new SoapClient($wsdl, array( 'proxy_host' => "xxx.proxy.xxx.fr",
'proxy_port' => 3130,
'trace' => 1) );
return $service;
And here is my controller function which performs the soap request:
public function editMock( Request $request, Response $response, $arg){
$token = base64_decode($request->getQueryParams()['token']);
$explodeToken = explode ('!', $token);
$sandboxUrl = $this->getSandboxUrl($arg['sandbox']);
$serviceName = $_POST['service'];
$valueUseMock = $_POST['isMock'];
$soapService = new SoapService($token);
$client = $soapService->getClient();
$soapService->updateServiceMock($serviceName, $valueUseMock);
$xmlReq = $soapService->getXml();
$location = "https://".$sandboxUrl."/services/Soap/m/44.0/" . $explodeToken[0];
// appel soap avec la requete créée
return $client->__doRequest($xmlReq, $location, null, 44, 0);
Note that I already activate soap in my php_ini
; SOAP - Extension permettant les echanges clients/serveurs SOAP.
extension = soap.so
Am I doing something wrong?