I'm having some trouble with serialization on a JSON response on my iOS app from my server, its a PHP back-end. My app sends a post request with the appropriate parameters, validates them, puts the results in an array, and encodes it in. Now that's not the problem, code works fine. However, its the link between them. Look at the PHP code below.
echo json_encode($array)
Now coming to xcode, I'm using alamofire to send the request as seen in the code below
Alamofire.request(URL_USER_REGISTER, method: .post, parameters: parameters).responseString { response in
As you can see its in .responseString because I apparently if I use .responseJSON it throws a code=3480 error and I want to get specific data from my own response JSON. I tried other ways to fix this online, but they all choose the .responseString option.
Why is this happening? Are the JSON types incompatible? Is there a secret to this?
I just want to get specific data from my JSON response such as "message" and its not possible when i get a string... Any help is appreciated!
I'm using Alamofire 4.3