duanfu3884 2019-04-07 02:15
浏览 45


Can't wrap my head around the issue im having. It's within a group i am currently working with.

Basically, I am being sent a large array. Elements needed to be worried about are the ID number of each question. As well as the question.

I am putting each value of the question in an array, and the ID in an array in order.

When I add the "question" value into the 'options' tag for HTML, I could only add the text (value) of the option selected. Therefore, if I add random questions.. I can't figure out how to attach an ID. The ID is needed to send to my backend so they can find each question much easier.

Goal: To attach a question and an ID array, when I 'select' the question from a drop down and add the value over to a new array to THEN be sent over to backend.. It is a confusing task and I can't seem to figure out a proper way for it to be done.

The best I have done, was to add the ID onto the end of the 'option' as text. But it certainly isnt nice looking, and would have to somehow make a function to take only the number, of the entire string at the end. When i am trying to just send over an ID with the Question String, making it so they can access the question using the unique ID which each one.


var testArray=[];
var scoreArray=[];

var questionArray=[];
var idArray=[];

var countBox=1;
var boxName=1;

function filterq(){
  var ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (this.readyState == 4) {
      document.getElementById('questionSelect').innerText = null

      var questionDisplay = document.getElementById("questionSelect");
      var options = document.createElement("option");
      var data=JSON.parse(this.responseText);


      options.text=questionArray[i]+" (ID:"+idArray[i]+")";


  var qdiff = document.getElementById("qLevel").value;
  var qtopic = document.getElementById("qTopic").value;
  var qkeyword = document.getElementById("qKeyword").value;

  var myObj = {id: "qfilter", topic: qtopic, difficulty: qdiff, keyword: qkeyword};
  var myJSON = JSON.stringify(myObj);
  ajaxRequest.open("POST","https://web.njit.edu/~rtw3/CS490/betamiddle.php", true);
  //ajaxRequest.open("POST", "fronttest.php", true);

function addq(){

 //pushing value onto test array
 var addingquestion = document.getElementById('questionSelect').value;

 //creating textoutput for each question
 var node = document.createElement("LI");
 var textnode = document.createTextNode(addingquestion);

 //adding textboxes each click
 var boxName = "q" + countBox;
 document.getElementById('test').innerHTML+='<input type="text" id="'+boxName+'" size="1" placeholder="pts" maxlength="2""  /><br/>';


function examAdd(){
  var ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function(){
        if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4){

      document.getElementById("testLayout").innerHTML = "Exam has been Successfully Created";


  var topics = document.getElementById("qTopic").value;
  var keywords = document.getElementById("qKeyword").value;
  var testname = document.getElementById("eName").value;
  for(i=1; i<countBox; i++){
  var theID = document.getElementById("q"+i).value;

    var myObj = {id:"addt", test: testArray, scores: scoreArray, topic: topics, keyword: keywords, tname: testname};
  var myJSON = JSON.stringify(myObj);
  var myJSON2 = JSON.stringify(scoreArray);
  //ajaxRequest.open("POST","examtest.php", true);
  ajaxRequest.open("POST","https://web.njit.edu/~rtw3/CS490/betamiddle.php", true);

function cancel(){



Attaching a unique ID to Every question AFTER it has been added to a new array, to then be sent back with each unique ID and Question in order.

note: the id is already with the question when its sent. I just need to save it somehow when i send it back but im unsure how since i send back the .value of an option selected, rather than an array with questions and IDs.

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