I have an xml file(xml.php3) that contains img scr=
I want to show some of the images in my website.
I have try that with text sources of the xml file with simplexml , that works good. But i dont now how to do it with the images.
my xml data for text:
<ROOMTYP ID="161792">
I use for show in my website:
$xml = simplexml_load_file("xml.php3");
$Element= $xml->xpath('//ROOMTYP[@ID="161792"]');
$Ausgabe= $Element[0];
echo $Ausgabe->DISCRIPTION;
my xml data for image:
<PIC><IMG SRC="https://images.img.com/room_pics/zim_238842_006.jpg" width="640" height="480" BORDER=0></PIC>
How have to write the simplexml code for display that image in my website?