drep94225 2019-01-04 09:44
浏览 76

Google表格API安装问题 - quickstart.php没有做任何事情

I am trying to follow this guide to connect my website to the Google Sheets API but there is a problem at step 4.

I connect to my website through SSH to access the console, enter the working directory where all the required files are stored with the "cd" command and then type the command "php quickstart.php" as per the guide, and nothing happens in the command line.

No result, no error, nothing, there is a new blank line waiting for a new command.

The only piece of evidence to help solve this mystery I have is a message I get when I open the PHP file in the browser (not the command line):

Deprecated: google-api-php-client's autoloader was moved to vendor/autoload.php in 2.0.0. This redirect will be removed in 2.1. Please adjust your code to use the new location. in /home/*****/public_html/PHP/mailinglist/google-api-php-client/src/vendor/autoload.php on line 19

Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: This application must be run on the command line. in /home/****/public_html/PHP/mailinglist/quickstart.php:5 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /home/****/public_html/PHP/mailinglist/quickstart.php on line 5

Any ideas on a fix? If it helps, my website is stored on a shared hosting managed by cPanel.

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  • doujiang5211 2019-01-04 09:57

    try run script this way:
    php -d display_errors=on quickstart.php

    maybe your php settings has disabled display_errors by default

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