duanmei1930 2018-08-11 15:37
浏览 151


For a setup script I write in PHP (for CLI, not web) I use a settings file as well as other other "content" files.

The settings file is built up like a regular ini-file

keyA = value
keyB = value1|value2|...

"header.subheader.moreheaders..." and "keyX" will form a nested associative array with "value" as a string or "value1|value2|..." as a simple array (0-...).

Thanks to this accepted answer, I got so far that I can split the headers into a recursive array recursively. So far, so good.

However, as the content files shall contain references to these variables, I would like to be able to read out single values from that multi-dimensional array with string placeholders like $@R[header.subheader.moreheaders.key] or $@R[header.subheader.moreheaders.key.0] depending on them being a string or an array.

In the script, $@R[header.subheader.moreheaders.key.0] should convert into $SettingsVar[header][subheader][moreheaders][key][0] to return the appropriate value.

Neither the script nor the content files will know what is inside the settings file. The script just knows the general structure and placeholder $@R[...].

This answer appears to know what value will be in order to search for it.

Since I do not fully understand this answer, I am not sure if that would be the right way.

Is there a similar easy way to get the reverse from building that array?

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  • doushang4274 2018-08-12 11:42

    After some contemplation, I found a decent enough solution, which works for me (and hopefully others):

    function GetNestedValue($aNestedKeys, $aNestedArray)
        $vValue = $aNestedArray;
        for($i = 0; $i < count($aNestedKeys); $i++)
            if(array_key_exists($aNestedKeys[$i], $vValue))
                $vValue = $vValue[$aNestedKeys[$i]];
                $vValue = null;
        return $vValue;

    Depending on what $aNestedKeys contain, it will either return a sub-array from $aNestedArray, a single value from it or null if any of the specified keys were not found.

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