dongpu2476 2018-07-26 08:23
浏览 127


I use three tables with an inner join on 'user.ID'='email.ID' and 'user.ID'='telephone.ID'.

Every user has a name and an ID. Each email has a username, the email address itself and a corresponding userID. Each telephone number has a username, the number itself and a corresponding userID. It is possible for a user to have any amount of email addresses and telephone numbers.

I managed to output a users email addresses by selecting them like this:

GROUP_CONCAT(email.Address SEPARATOR ',') AS Address,
GROUP_CONCAT(email.Username SEPARATOR ',') AS eUsername

I then converted it into an array:

$Address = explode(",", $row["Address"]);
$eUsername = explode(",", $row["eUsername"]);

And printed it like this:

  for($i = 0;$i<count($Address);$i++) {
    echo $eUsername[$i] .': '. $Address[$i].'<br>';

This is the printed table: enter image description here

I then just did the same thing with the telephone numbers


GROUP_CONCAT(telephone.Number SEPARATOR ',') AS Number,
GROUP_CONCAT(telephone.Username SEPARATOR ',') AS tUsername


$Number = explode(",", $row["Number"]);
$tUsername = explode(",", $row["tUsername"]);


for($i = 0;$i<count($Number);$i++) {
    echo $tUsername[$i] .': '. $Number[$i].'<br>';

But this messed up the whole table: enter image description here

I don´t get why it prints the email addresses three times and just doesn´t print anything in the 'Telephone' coloumn although the second for loop is echoed into the most right coloumn.

Sorry for the long post and thanks for any help.


Here is my full SQL query:

SELECT user.Name AS Name, user.ID AS ID,
GROUP_CONCAT(email.Address SEPARATOR ',') AS Address,
GROUP_CONCAT(email.Username SEPARATOR ',') AS eUsername,
GROUP_CONCAT(telephone.Number SEPARATOR ',') AS Number,
GROUP_CONCAT(telephone.Username SEPARATOR ',') AS tUsername
FROM user
INNER JOIN email ON user.ID=email.ID
INNER JOIN telephone ON user.ID=telephone.ID
WHERE Name REGEXP '$searchterm'

The WHERE statement is not final. This is just for testing.

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  • dongyushen9063 2018-07-26 10:24

    The simplest solution is to use distinct:

    SELECT u.Name AS Name, u.ID AS ID,
           GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT e.Address SEPARATOR ',') AS Address,
           GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT e.Username SEPARATOR ',') AS eUsername,
           GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT t.Number SEPARATOR ',') AS Number,
           GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT t.Username SEPARATOR ',') AS tUsername
    FROM mitglied u INNER JOIN
         email e
         ON u.ID = e.ID INNER JOIN
         telephone t
         ON u.ID = t.ID
    WHERE u.Name REGEXP '$searchterm'
    GROUP BY u.ID,;


    • I assume that mitglied is users.
    • Table aliases make the query easier to write and to read.
    • Qualified column names are recommended whenever you have multiple table references.
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