I want to display a message according to the className passed to server using AJAX . I'm new ajax , I have no idea about that..
myhtml code :
<div class="header">
<p> Enable: </p> <i class="fas fa-toggle-off " id="enable-btn"></i>
<span id="demo">Dashboard Enabled</span>
myJS code :
function enableButtonClicked() {
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#enable-btn').click(function () {
$( ".dashboard, #demo" ).toggle();
$(this).toggleClass("fa-toggle-off fa-toggle-on");
ajax code :
function displayMessageAccordingToButtonState() {
var x = document.getElementById('enable-btn').className;
if( x == 'fas fa-toggle-off'){
var msg = "Button Disabled"
else {
var msg = "Button Enabled"
php code :
if( $_REQUEST["displayMsg"] ){
$msg = $_REQUEST['displayMsg'];
echo "".$msg ;