So, I have some encryption/decryption issues …
I encrypt data in javascript thanks to node-forge and I try to decrypt it into PHP thanks to openssl_private_decrypt.
On the PHP side, I use the «OPENSSL_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING» padding. So, on the javascript side I tried to configure forge to encrypt data with RSA-OAEP.
And when I try to decsypt the message on the PHP side, I have these errors :
error:04099079:rsa routines:RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_OAEP_mgf1:oaep decoding error error:04065072:rsa routines:rsa_ossl_private_decrypt:padding check failed
I've tried to configure the encryption with sha1 message digest and sha1 for mgf1 option. I've also tried without any option (if I remember, forge use SHA256 by default). But there is nothing to do, I always have the same error …
const pubkey = `-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
const privkey = `-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
let publicKey = forge.pki.publicKeyFromPem(pubkey);
let key = forge.random.getBytesSync(32);
let encKey = publicKey.encrypt(key, 'RSA-OAEP', {
mgf1: {
let b64Key = encodeURIComponent(btoa(enckey));
Next, I send the key in url with the "xcem" param, thanks to HttpClient. And I receive it in PHP.
$privKey = "";
$b64Key = urldecode($_GET['xcem']);
$encKey = base64_decode($b64Key);
$key = null;
if (!openssl_private_decrypt($encKey, $key, file_get_contents('/keys/openssl_private.key'), OPENSSL_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING))
$errorssl = [];
while ($error = openssl_error_string()) {
$errorssl[] = $error;
throw new Exception("Erreur lors du décryptage du message ! " . json_encode($errorssl));
When I send Data between 2 PHP servers, there is no problem …
But I can't make it work between JS and PHP … I need some help ^^