I am in the process of updating my CodeIgniter app from version 2.x to 3.1. Previously, I used to call this function to count the number of non-zero numbers in the passed-in array:
function getCountOfNonZero($array, $d) {
$NonZeroCount = 0;
foreach($array as $key=>$value) {
if(is_array($value)) {
$d = $key;
$NonZeroCount += getCountOfNonZero($value, $d); }
else {
if($value<>0 & $key<>'RES') {
return $NonZeroCount;
Now that I am trying to call this function in version 3.1 of CodeIgniter, I am getting an error. This is how I call the function:
echo "Count of non-zero is: ".$controller->getCountOfNonZero($myArray);
One thing that is different is that the function is in system\core\Controller.php
but this is returning an error whenever I call the function and try to pass in the array.
Is there any reason why I can't pass an array to the core system controller in CodeIgniter?