dongman5539 2019-03-01 17:09
浏览 108


I am using the fwrite() function in PHP to create a csv file. It connects to a database and retrieves two columns from a table. I can get this to work, however it only writes the first row. For example..

+------+-----+--+--+--+ | John | Doe | | | | +------+-----+--+--+--+ | | | | | | +------+-----+--+--+--+ | | | | | | +------+-----+--+--+--+

How do i get it to go onto the next line and write the next row, and keep on writing how ever many rows there are in the table. For example..

+---------+-----+--+--+--+ | John | Doe | | | | +---------+-----+--+--+--+ | Jane | Doe | | | | +---------+-----+--+--+--+ | Richard | Doe | | | | +---------+-----+--+--+--+ | | | | | | +---------+-----+--+--+--+

Here is my PHP code

fwrite($file, ucfirst($row['name']) . ', ' . ucfirst($row['visiting']));
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  • duanchu2607 2019-03-01 17:15

    Use fputcsv instead - it will take care of the formatting for you!

    fputcsv( $file, array( ucfirst($row['name']), ucfirst($row['visiting']) ) );



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