I have an SQL table containing a list of parts with sub parts that go into them. I need to come up with a way of outputting the data into a tree to show what goes into what else.
The table is simply as below:
Part_Number | Sub_Part
1 1a
1 1b
1 1c
1a 1a0
1a 1a1
1b 1b0
So from that I would need to output something like this:
I cannot think of a solution for this, I have tried using loops within loops to pull the information but the best I can get is a the first sub part of each layer: 1, 1a, 1a0.
<?php $lookup = ['1']; ?>
$i = $i . '-';
<?php foreach($lookup as $look) : ?>
<p><?php echo $i . $look; ?></p>
<?php $lookup = []; ?>
<?php $query = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT Sub_Part FROM `Bill_Of_Materials` WHERE Part_Number = '{$look}'"); ?>
<?php while($search = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) : ?>
<?php array_push($lookup, $search[0]); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php goto x; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
I am thinking that the best way to do this might be to create objects for each top level part then have a recursive loop to create objects for each sub part within it, and each within that etc.
Objects are quite new to me however, so is this possible?