I am having a problem with my webpage. I am building a report tool for downloading data as .csv - I have a php skript which aggregates the data and builds a csv from it. The skript is invoked with the exec()
command, detailed code is below. The skript itself uses file_put_contents()
to generate the file, which is then stored in my /tmp/ folder until its downloaded (I am working in a dockerized environment and our filter rules delete the file at the next request, but I could store the file permanently somewhere else if that would be neccessary). I am then checking if the file is present with file_exists()
and proceed to invoke my download function. In Firefox I get the desired result, a file with the correct content of only the csv data.
My main Problem is: When I download the csv in Chrome I get the csv data followed by the html source of my page - so starting with <!doctype html>
in the first line after the csv data, then <html lang="de">
in the next line of te csv and so on..
Let me show you some code:
In my skript:
private function writeToFile($csv)
$fileName = '/path/to/file' '.csv';
echo "
" . 'Write file to ' . $fileName . "
file_put_contents($fileName, $csv);
In my page class:
$filePath = '/path/to/finished/csv/'
exec('php ' . $skriptPath . $skriptParams);
if (file_exists($filePath)) {
} else {
new ErrorMessage('Error Text')
My download function in the same class:
private function downloadCsv($filePath)
header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
header('Content-Type: text/csv');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($filePath) . '"');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($filePath));
The shown above is working in Firefox, but not in Chrome. I already tried to clear the output buffer with ob_clean()
or send and disable it with ob_end_flush()
but nothing worked for Chrome.
I also tried something like this in my download function:
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($filePath) . '"');
$fp =fopen($filePath, 'rw');
This produces the same results in Firefox and Chrome - I get the csv data followed by the html sourcecode mixed into the same file.
I am working within a Symfony framework if that could be from help, I saw there are some helper functions for file downloads but I so far I could not use them with success..
Until now my target is only to get the download working in Chrome to have a working mvp which can go into production - it is supposed to be for internal use only, so I don't have to care about IE or some other abominations because our staff is told to use a normal browser... But when someone sees flaws in the general concept feel free to tell me!
Thanks in advance :)