I use this code to display data according to the user who is logged in, and display their data. but with this syntax the data that appears does not match the defined data, and also other user data sometimes appears too.
$this->db->join('acc',' doc_priv_std.id_acc=acc.id_acc');
$this->db->where('doc_priv_std.id_acc ',$id,('and
type_doc LIKE "%.doc%"
or "%.docx%"
or "%.pdf"
or "%.xls%"
or "%.xlsx%"
or "%.ppt%"
or "%.pptx%"
or "%.zip%"
or "%.rar%"'));
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result_array();
please help so that the data that appears as defined.