dongpingwu8378 2018-12-14 19:07
浏览 118

PHPOffice - PowerPoint:如何在PowerPoint幻灯片中绘制虚线?

I want to generate a dashed line in my PowerPoint presentation using PHPOffice but I can only generate solid or double lines.

Line Generator Code


How do I properly generate a dashed line?

Dash Generation Code

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  • douqin6785 2018-12-17 00:33

    I ended up using the following scheme to generate a dashed line.

    I resorted to generating short line segments of constant length regardless of orientation of start end point (slope of line).

    How I generated the short line segments for sloped line of equal length was in several steps.


     0)  Initialize dashLen to an arbitrary value so that we increment to
         2x dashlen on each iteration of loop to cause empty holes to appear in
     1)  Calculate length of line    d=sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) 
     2)  Calculate negative slope since in the y axis is flipped (Y increases as points traverse screen space in downward direction)
     3)  Loop $x and $y and
         increment $y such that 
         $y += 2*$dashLen*sin(atan($m));
         $x -= 2*$dashLen*cos(atan($m));
     4)  Update endpoints
         $endY = $startY + (($dashLen)*sin(atan($m))); 
         $endX = $startX - (($dashLen)*cos(atan($m))); 
     5)  Draw Line Segments (dashes)

    Code Snippet

    $d = sqrt(pow($toY-$fromY, 2) + pow($toX-$fromX, 2));
    if ($toX != $fromX)
          $m = ($toY-$fromY)/($fromX-$toX);
          $dashLen = 2;
          for ($y = $fromY, $x = $fromX; $y < $toY || $x > $toX; $y += ((2*$dashLen*sin(atan($m)))), $x -= (2*$dashLen*cos(atan($m))))
              $startX = $x;
              $startY = $y;
              $endY = $startY + (($dashLen)*sin(atan($m))); 
              $endX = $startX - (($dashLen)*cos(atan($m)));
              $shape = $currentSlide->createLineShape($startX, $startY, $endX, $endY);
              $color = new Color('FF000000');
          $dashLen = 2;
          for ($y = $toY; $y > $fromY; $y -= 2*$dashLen)
              $startX = $fromX;
              $startY = $y;
              $endX = $toX;
              $endY = $y - ($dashLen);             
              $shape = $currentSlide->createLineShape($startX, $startY, $endX, $endY);
              $color = new Color('FF000000');

    enter image description here

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