I try to parse a web page with phantomjs and I got into a problem that I can't figure out. The page gives an error if you try to load it too many times, and there's my problem.
I have a php file file.php
with $result = shell_exec('~/tmp/phantomjs/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs ~/www/phantomscript.js 2>&1');
If I load that file.php
in a browser, it works fine, it displays the page content.
But if I try it to run it from cron php path/to/file.php
it displays the error that I tried too many times...
My question is, what could be the problem that, the same file.php
works fine in a browser but it doesn-t work if it's loaded in console or cron.
My guess is that it's something to do with the way php works, if a script is loaded into a browser or ran from console. Maybe you can give me a hint or something.