I'm stuck. and lost at what to do to solve it. I'm sending a image with the methods below in Swift from a iPhone. And I can see the data is being received by the server with Wireshark. I can also see in the php-server's terminal that I'm receiving data.
it's data that I don't know how to handle.
I'm currently using the php script below to handle everything with the upload there is a lot of test variables that I'm using to just see if I could figure out what I was receiving if anything.
public func post(data: Data, url: URL)
var request = URLRequest(url: url)
//request.addValue("filenameTest.jpg", forHTTPHeaderField: "filename")
request.httpMethod = "POST"
let body = createBodyWithParameters(filePathKey: "filenameTest.jpg",data: data,boundary: generateBoundaryString())
request.setValue("Keep-Alive", forHTTPHeaderField: "Connection")
let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
let session = URLSession(configuration: configuration,delegate: self, delegateQueue: OperationQueue.main)
let task = session.uploadTask(with: request as URLRequest, from: body)
func createBodyWithParameters(filePathKey: String?, data: Data!, boundary: String) -> Data {
var body = Data();
let mimetype = "image/jpg"
body.append(Data( "--\(boundary)
//body.append(Data( "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"\(filePathKey!)\"; filename=\"\(parameters!["filename"]!)\"
body.append(Data( "Content-Disposition: form-data; filename=\"\(filePathKey!)\"
body.append(Data( "Content-Type: \(mimetype)
body.append(Data( "
body.append(Data( "--\(boundary)--
return body
func generateBoundaryString() -> String {
return "----Boundary---"
Requested: ??~?3?<??6??Ns?i|2?~`kxB?;??N???$_?|?9?:
Requested: ???c?S?Y?Gn8>?5?k???y?H??3?N:???????M?_?r??q????~??O?6?Pc?]%"d??x??u?:
Requested: ??mRKmS????:
Requested: ????~k]?~}t?E??EO???????'???-????????$?W??|_?Wsl???f???n?:?Q????_?_???_?_2c_8?S?c?:
Requested: ?????#?:
[Thu Mar 9 13:55:51 2017] [200]: /
$target_dir = "wp-content/uploads";
mkdir($target_dir, 0777, true);
$target_dir = $target_dir . "/" . basename($_SERVER['HTTP_FILENAME']);
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $target_dir)) {
echo json_encode([
"Message" => "The file ". basename(header('filename')). " has been uploaded.",
"Status" => "OK"
} else {
echo json_encode([
"Message" => "Sorry, there was an error uploading your file.",
"Status" => "Error"
and I'm using this kind of code to figure out what variables contain what.
$testvar = $_SERVER['HTTP_FILENAME'];
file_put_contents("php://stdout", "
Requested : $testvar /r/n");
$testvar = count($_REQUEST);
$testvar = $_REQUEST[3];
file_put_contents("php://stdout", "
Requested : $testvar /r/n");
foreach($_FILES['file'] as $value){
$testvar = ": ". $value;
file_put_contents("php://stdout", "
Requested: $testvar
I don't know how to fix this. I know the data is there just can't seem to get a hold of it. I've tried several ways to send it with the swift part. this one plus 2 others had the same issue when I get to the php side the filename was nowhere to be found and I couldn't even find a temp name of the file.
note that the image data is never saved to a file on the iPhone and I have no intention of ever letting that happen. I simply need to take a image with the camera and send it, I've accomplished that now but when I try to save a image file on the PHP side everything becomes seemingly impossible to do.
there is no content in $_FILES as far as I can see the content is in the $_REQUEST as well as the file but when I try to access that one I just get wired signs and question marks.