I have a working api call to get basic user info and I am trying to return just the "followed_by" portion of the json data from "counts". This link should return just the json page on your browser
And here is my code to try and parse the result, but all I am getting is a blank screen.
$jsondata = file_get_contents("https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/self/?access_token=3514554632.a691e29.3f773f5f335a4ba98fc9609d1d405fb0");
$json = json_decode($jsondata, true);
$json2 = json_decode($jsondata);
//method one to parse, not working
$parsedvalue = $json['counts'][1]['followed_by'];
echo $parsedvalue;
//method two to parse, not working
$followercount = $json2->counts->followed_by;
echo $followercount;