I'm trying to create a dynamic query according to the information it gets.
When $query2 is for example: 'type' => 'PvP', 'online' => 'Premium'
And $query is: SELECT * FROM dispserveur WHERE type = :type AND online = :online
This is working,
$req = $bdd->prepare("$query");
$req->execute(array('type' => 'PvP', 'online' => 'Premium'));
But when i use the $query2 variable in the execute, it's not working.
$req = $bdd->prepare("$query"); //C
I get the same error each time.
Warning: PDOStatement::execute(): SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens
This is the code,
if (isset($type2) AND $type2 != "all") {
$sql[] = " type = :type ";
$sql2[] = " 'type' => '$type2'";
if (isset($online2) AND $online2 != "all") {
$sql[] = " online = :online ";
$sql2[] = " 'online' => '$online2'";
if (isset($version2) AND $version2 != "all") {
$sql[] = " version LIKE :version ";
$sql2[] = " 'version' => %$version2%";
$query = "SELECT * FROM dispserveur";
if (!empty($sql)) {
$query .= ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $sql);
if (!empty($sql2)) {
$query2 = implode(', ', $sql2);
echo $query;
echo "<br />";
echo $query2;
$req = $bdd->prepare("$query"); //C
while ($red = $req->fetch())
{echo "$red[ip]<br />";}
Thanks for your help !