drsxobip501258 2016-07-29 04:25
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I have a existing laravel project that I have been working on for a while now.

I have to put it in a test environnement to show it to my employer. My problem is that I have no clue how to use my git repo of the project to put it on a fresh installation of wamp server.

1 - I have tried to install it as a whole but failed.

2- Then, I tried creating a fresh copy of Laravel base architecture (that worked) and after, replacing the files I modified on my existing project over on the fresh Laravel project. Turns out, it can not find my login.php page and I am stuck at that point.

So I want to find the easiest way to clone a git repo with an existing Laravel project directly on a wamp server and make it work.

I have been trying for several weeks, please help me.


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  • dongpin6941 2016-07-29 07:13

    Okay, here are some simple steps to create a copy of your Laravel5 project on another server:

    1. Setup the server (Databases, PHP and so on) and install Composer. If you are local, composer should already be installed
    2. Clone the repository and copy the content to the htdocs or var/www folder, depending on your server system
    3. Now execute composer update to load all dependencies
    4. Last but not least, setup your .env file. Use the .env.example from Laravel5, add your credentials, generate a key with php artisan key:generate

    That's it. Now your Laravel5 project should run.

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