drvntaomy06331839 2016-12-28 02:13
浏览 39

从MySQL-> PostGres迁移:在MySQL中存储PHP对象的最佳方式,在PostGres中检索?

I have a a MySQL database that stores PHP objects in serialized format to a BLOB field. I'm moving this database from MySQL -> PostGres.

So far I have found no way to move those PHP objects to PostGres. Saving the objects serialized to a MySQL field of type BLOB or MySQL LongText, and importing into PostGres Text or ByteA, apparently fails to bring the data over when imported.

I'm happy to write special-purpose code to store the PHP objects in any way that will work. What's a good way to store them in MySQL so as to import them into PostGres?

Note: Per request of StackOverflow, this question is different from Storing large JSON - binary or text, because that question does not reference postgres.

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  • doudu7626 2016-12-31 22:07

    A data transfer tool (Valentina Pro), copied the mySQL BLOB fields to PostGres ByteA fields. This code retrieved the serialized string from the contents of this field:

    $serializedString = pg_unescape_bytea($contentsOfPostGresByteAField);

    Thanks to Sergey Pashkov for the tip!

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