doutu2017 2016-11-20 14:15
浏览 55


I wnet through questions but cannot get it done Using CodeIgniter is it bad practice to load a view in a loop

from my controller i call my model and get an array , then i want to pass it to my view and i did that.

i loop through it and got the data inside the array i want to create a view for each item in the array and display them(like a list )


    $dataNumRows = count($database_data);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $dataNumRows; $i++) {
        $rows = array_values($database_data)[$i];
        $rawID = $rows["id"];
        $rawLink = $rows["link"];
        $rawHeading = $rows["heading"];
        $rawSubmitBy = $rows["submit_by"];
        echo $rawLink;
        echo $rawID;
        echo $rawHeading;
        echo $rawSubmitBy;
        echo "******<br>";

<table style="width:40%">

        <td colspan="1"></td>
        <td colspan="5">up vote</td>
        <td colspan="5"></td>
        <td colspan="1"><?php echo $rawID ?></td>
        <td colspan="5"><?php echo $rawLink ?></td>
        <td colspan="5">submitted by<?php echo $rawSubmitBy ?></td>
        <td colspan="1"></td>
        <td colspan="5">down vote</td>
        <td colspan="5">view comments</td>


This table is the view i need to recall each time my loop runs eg: 10 elements in array --> 10 table views

but this way i get only last element data as a single table view because i create table after the loop

how can i loop my table view inside the loop to get N number of tables (N= elements of array)?

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  • douzuan2814 2016-11-20 14:42

    you can try this stop php , add your table, and resume php , inside your loop

    this should work !

    <!-- print the key as a var form the array data that passed from controller-->
    <!--<h1> Hello --><?php //echo $keyName;?><!-- </h1>-->
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <!--use the key-->
    <!--<h1> Hello --><?php //echo $profile["fullName"]; ?><!-- </h1>-->
    $dataNumRows = count($database_data);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $dataNumRows; $i++) {
        $rows = array_values($database_data)[$i];
        $rawID = $rows["id"];
        $rawLink = $rows["link"];
        $rawHeading = $rows["heading"];
        $rawSubmitBy = $rows["submit_by"];
        echo $rawLink;
        echo $rawID;
        echo $rawHeading;
        echo $rawSubmitBy;
        echo "******<br>";
        /* this will temporarily "stop" php --> */ ?>
        <table style="width:40%">
                <td colspan="1"></td>
                <td colspan="5">up vote</td>
                <td colspan="5"></td>
                <td colspan="1"><?php echo $rawID ?></td>
                <td colspan="5"><?php echo $rawLink ?></td>
                <td colspan="5">submitted by<?php echo $rawSubmitBy ?></td>
                <td colspan="1"></td>
                <td colspan="5">down vote</td>
                <td colspan="5">view comments</td>
        <?php /* <-- php resumes now */
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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