I am using FPDF and FPDI to extract 2 pages from a pdf document that is generally about 28 pages long. The pdf files are basically a page with an image filling each page entirely and are around 35-40mb.
When using FPDI to extract the last 2 pages from the full document and create a new file, the file size of the new 2 page file remains almost the same. Any ideas why this might be?
Here is the basic code used to do the extracting:
public function extractPagesFromFile($file, $outputFileName, $numPages = 2) {
$pageCount = $this->_fpdf->setSourceFile($file);
if ($numPages < 0 || $numPages > $pageCount) {
return false;
for ($pageNo = $pageCount - $numPages + 1; $pageNo < $pageCount + 1; $pageNo++) {
$tplIdx = $this->_fpdf->ImportPage($pageNo);
if (!isset($s)) {
$s = $this->_fpdf->getTemplatesize($tplIdx);
$this->_fpdf->AddPage($s['w'] > $s['h'] ? 'L' : 'P', array($s['w'], $s['h']));
$this->_fpdf->Output('F', $outputFileName);