I'm trying to read data from nodes that have the same attribute names. I would like to read the lines with tag="650"
into 3 separate variables. ie: each time I'm in a catalog node I need to read the given subjects.
<marcEntry tag="506" label="Access restriction" ind=" ">Classroom and In Library Use</marcEntry>
<marcEntry tag="245" label="Title" ind=" ">title</marcEntry>
<marcEntry tag="500" label="General Note" ind=" ">ATEC</marcEntry>
<marcEntry tag="520" label="Abstract" ind=" ">info</marcEntry>
<marcEntry tag="650" label="Subject term" ind=" 0">subject 1</marcEntry>
<marcEntry tag="650" label="Subject term" ind=" 0">subject 2</marcEntry>
<marcEntry tag="650" label="Subject term" ind=" 0">subject 3</marcEntry>
<marcEntry tag="506" label="Access restriction" ind=" ">Classroom and In Library Use</marcEntry>
<marcEntry tag="245" label="Title" ind=" ">title</marcEntry>
<marcEntry tag="500" label="General Note" ind=" ">ATEC</marcEntry>
<marcEntry tag="520" label="Abstract" ind=" ">info</marcEntry>
<marcEntry tag="650" label="Subject term" ind=" 0">subject A</marcEntry>
<marcEntry tag="650" label="Subject term" ind=" 0">subject B</marcEntry>
My current code is below...
$z = new XMLReader;
while ($z->read() && $z->name !== 'catalog');
while ($z->name === 'catalog') {
$node = simplexml_import_dom($doc->importNode($z->expand(), true));
echo $node->flexibleKey;
echo $node->dateCreated;
foreach ($node->marc->marcEntry as $tag) {
// now I get lost :(
Thanks for any help you can offer :)