dqoqnmb163241 2017-03-15 02:51
浏览 86

在Codeception中,是否可以在解析之前拦截和修改HTTP响应? 如果是这样,怎么样?

I am new to Codeception and I am researching using it to run our integration / acceptance test suite (currently some phpunit scripts...). It seems like a very interesting tool but I've run into an issue that could prevent us from using it.

I'm trying to find a way to inject a middleware or create a module that will allow me to strip the JSON protection string from our server's response before it's decoded by the REST module.

The JSON is prefixed with ")]}', " to make the object invalid, which protects against a type of CSRF vulnerability in some browsers, but it breaks json_decode() (intentionally) and the Codeception REST validation methods.

I'm looking for a way to modify the response, to strip off the prefix, before the test suite begins using the data. Does anyone know if that's possible? Or if there are any built-in ways to work with or rewrite response bodies?

Unfortunately, removing the prefix from the server output is not an option. Thanks for any advice!

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  • doyp9057 2017-03-17 21:23

    You can modify HTTP response content before it is parsed by REST module.

    REST module uses PhpBrowser or some Framefork module as HTTP-client. So to remove JSON protection string you need to create your own module that extends PhpBrowser and overrides _getResponseContent() method and then use this module in REST module config as dependency.

    Let's assume I have REST method http://example.dev/api/v1/test that returns following JSON string with protection prefix



    class_name: ApiTester
            - REST:
                depends: \Helper\MyPhpBrowser
                url: 'http://example.dev/api/v1/'      
            - \Helper\Api


    namespace Helper;
    class MyPhpBrowser extends \Codeception\Module\PhpBrowser
        public function _getResponseContent()
            $rawContent = (string)$this->client->getInternalResponse()->getContent();
            // Here we're going to delete protection prefix from response content 
            $rawContent = preg_replace("/^\)\]\}'
    /", "", $rawContent);
            return $rawContent;


    $I = new ApiTester($scenario);
    $I->seeResponseContainsJson(['test' => 'smest']);


    $ codecept run api smestCept.php
    Codeception PHP Testing Framework v2.2.4
    Powered by PHPUnit 4.8.27 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
    Api Tests (1) -------------------------------------
    ✔ smestCept:  (0.29s)
    Time: 579 ms, Memory: 12.50MB
    OK (1 test, 1 assertion)
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