I want to add item(one fix) to cart automatically when another product is present but quantity changes when main product quantity changed. Ex. if I add Product A with qty 1 in cart then product B with qty 1 will be add to cart same if I add Product A with qty 2 in cart then product B with qty 2. Please don't recommend any extension. Thanks
1条回答 默认 最新
- duancao2082 2016-09-29 08:41关注
You need to override cart controller. Register your module, then in your modules config.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?> <config> <modules> <Kreativ_Buynow> <version>1.0.0</version> </Kreativ_Buynow> </modules> <frontend> <routers> <checkout> <args> <modules> <Kreativ_Buynow before="Mage_Checkout">Kreativ_Buynow</Kreativ_Buynow> </modules> </args> </checkout> </routers> </frontend> </config>
Then create CartController.php in controllers folder
require_once 'Mage/Checkout/controllers/CartController.php'; class Kreativ_Buynow_CartController extends Mage_Checkout_CartController{ public function addAction(){ foreach ($this->_getCart()->getQuote()->getAllItems() as $items) { if($items->getProductId() == 933){ $value = $items->getQty(); $prd = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load(943); $this->_getCart()->addProduct($prd,$value)->save(); $this->_getSession()->setCartWasUpdated(true); } } return parent::addAction(); }
Where I assumed if product with id 933 is present, then you are going to add product with id 943 in the cart.
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