dongxin8392 2015-10-12 01:30
浏览 161


I am modifying a WP plugin (PHP; latest version of WP). It has a form where a user can ask a question. It came with it's own submit button. I found an action hook where I can add my own code to the form, so I added Braintree's simplest payment form - the DropIn UI. This is a screenshot of what both forms look like when I set them up.

The problem:

The "Post question" button that came with the plugin is not working and I suspect that it is due to the presence of the second form.

What I've tried:

I removed bits and pieces of the code I added to try and single out what could be causing this and it came down to the DropIn's form code itself. The presence of a 2nd form on this page is causing an issue.

My question: What could cause submit issues when 2 forms are present on one page?

Note - I used an action hook to insert my code to a function that described itself as the main plugin's form footer. I am getting the feeling that this is a form nesting problem.

my function that creates the Braintree form:

class FD_Braintree_Form
    public function fd_bt_form()


                '<form id="checkout" action="/process-trans.php" method="post">

                    <label><font size="5">Amount:</font></label>
                    <input type="text" size="4" name="amount" />

                  <div id="payment-form"></div>

                  <input type="submit" value="Pay" />



my function that generates the Braintree form:

class Find_Do_For_Anspress
   add_action('ap_form_bottom_ask_form', array( $this, 'fd_bt_form_html')); //This is where I use the action hook to insert my code into the plugin's form_footer()

   public function fd_bt_form_html()
            $class_bt_token = new Braintree_ClientToken();
            $clientToken = $class_bt_token->generate();

            <script src=""></script>

                '<?php echo $clientToken ?>',
                'dropin', {
                  container: 'payment-form',


            $class_bt_form = new FD_Braintree_Form();
            $bt_form = $class_bt_form->fd_bt_form();

            echo $bt_form;

plugin's main code that generates the question form:

function ap_ask_form($editing = false){
    global $editing_post;

    $is_private = false;
        $is_private = $editing_post->post_status == 'private_post' ? true : false;

    $args = array(
        'name'              => 'ask_form',
        'is_ajaxified'      => true,
        'submit_button'     => ($editing ? __('Update question', 'ap') : __('Post question', 'ap')),
        'fields'            => array(
                'name' => 'title',
                'label' => __('Title', 'ap'),
                'type'  => 'text',
                'placeholder'  => __('Question in one sentence', 'ap'),
                'desc'  => __('Write a meaningful title for the question.', 'ap'),
                'value' => ( $editing ? $editing_post->post_title : sanitize_text_field( @$_POST['title'] ) ),
                'order' => 5,
                'attr' => 'data-action="suggest_similar_questions"',
                'autocomplete' => false,
                'name' => 'title',
                'type'  => 'custom',
                'order' => 5,
                'html' => '<div id="similar_suggestions"></div>'
                'name' => 'description',
                'label' => __('Description', 'ap'),
                'type'  => 'editor',
                'desc'  => __('Write description for the question.', 'ap'),
                'value' => ( $editing ? apply_filters('the_content', $editing_post->post_content) : @$_POST['description']  ),
                'settings' => apply_filters( 'ap_ask_form_editor_settings', array(
                    'textarea_rows'     => 8,
                    'tinymce'           => ap_opt('question_text_editor') ? false : true,
                    'quicktags'         => ap_opt('question_text_editor') ? true : false ,
                    'media_buttons'     =>false,
                'name'  => 'ap_upload',
                'type'  => 'custom',
                'html' => ap_post_upload_form(),
                'order' => 10
                'name' => 'parent_id',
                'type'  => 'hidden',
                'value' => ( $editing ? $editing_post->post_parent : get_query_var('parent')  ),
                'order' => 20

        $args['fields'][] = array(
            'name' => 'is_private',
            'type'  => 'checkbox',
            'desc'  => __('Only visible to admin and moderator.', 'ap'),
            'value' => $is_private,
            'order' => 12,
            'show_desc_tip' => false

    if(ap_opt('recaptcha_site_key') == '')
        $reCaptcha_html = '<div class="ap-notice red">'.__('reCaptach keys missing, please add keys', 'ap').'</div>';
        $reCaptcha_html = '<div class="g-recaptcha" id="recaptcha" data-sitekey="'.ap_opt('recaptcha_site_key').'"></div><script type="text/javascript"
src="'.get_locale().'&onload=onloadCallback&render=explicit"  async defer></script><script type="text/javascript">var onloadCallback = function() {
        widgetId1 = grecaptcha.render("recaptcha", {
          "sitekey" : "'.ap_opt('recaptcha_site_key').'"

        $args['fields'][] = array(
            'name' => 'captcha',
            'type'  => 'custom',
            'order' => 100,
            'html' => $reCaptcha_html

     * FILTER: ap_ask_form_fields
     * Filter for modifying $args
     * @var array
     * @since  2.0
    $args = apply_filters( 'ap_ask_form_fields', $args, $editing );

        $args['fields'][] = array(
            'name'  => 'edit_post_id',
            'type'  => 'hidden',
            'value' => $editing_post->ID,
            'order' => 20

    $form = new AnsPress_Form($args);

    echo $form->get_form();
    echo ap_post_upload_hidden_form();

the plugin's "form footer" code and the action hook I used:

private function form_footer()
         * ACTION: ap_form_bottom_[form_name]
         * action for hooking captcha and extar fields
         * @since 2.0.1
        do_action('ap_form_bottom_'. $this->name);
        $this->output .= ob_get_clean();

        $this->output .= '<button type="submit" class="ap-btn ap-btn-submit">'.$this->args['submit_button'].'</button>';

        if(@$this->args['show_cancel'] === true)
            $this->output .= '<button type="button" class="ap-btn ap-btn-cancel">'.__('Cancel', 'ap').'</button>';

        $this->output .= '</form>';

the hidden upload function:

function ap_post_upload_hidden_form(){
        return '<form id="hidden-post-upload" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" style="display:none">
            <input type="file" name="post_upload_image" class="ap-upload-input">
            <input type="hidden" name="ap_ajax_action" value="upload_post_image" />
            <input type="hidden" name="ap_form_action" value="upload_post_image" />
            <input type="hidden" name="__nonce" value="'.wp_create_nonce( 'upload_image_'.get_current_user_id()).'" />
            <input type="hidden" name="action" value="ap_ajax" />

the HTML that houses the plugin's ask form code:

<div class="ap-tab-container">
        <div id="ap-form-main" class="active ap-tab-item">
            <?php ap_ask_form(); ?>
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  • dpxbc88022 2015-10-12 02:02

    EDIT: The problem in the case is the action hook you are using is placing your form inside of the plugin's form. You need to use a different action hook (or you need to get hacky with this one.)

    The plugin you are using does not provide an appropriate action hook to put the form where you are trying to put it (after the ask_form). You will have to modify the plugin code for this to work. If you are willing to modify the plugin code, you would do this:

    Modify the plugins form footer method:

    private function form_footer()
         * ACTION: ap_form_bottom_[form_name]
         * action for hooking captcha and extar fields
         * @since 2.0.1
        do_action('ap_form_bottom_'. $this->name);
        $this->output .= ob_get_clean();
        $this->output .= '<button type="submit" class="ap-btn ap-btn-submit">'.$this->args['submit_button'].'</button>';
        if(@$this->args['show_cancel'] === true)
            $this->output .= '<button type="button" class="ap-btn ap-btn-cancel">'.__('Cancel', 'ap').'</button>';
        $this->output .= '</form>';
        //MODIFICATION added action
        do_action('ap_form_aftercustom_'. $this->name); 

    Then, modify your fd_bt_form_html function:

    class Find_Do_For_Anspress
       //MODIFICATION use the new action
       add_action('ap_form_aftercustom_ask_form', array( $this, 'fd_bt_form_html')); //This is where I use the action hook to insert my code into the plugin's form_footer()
       public function fd_bt_form_html()
                $class_bt_token = new Braintree_ClientToken();
                $clientToken = $class_bt_token->generate();
                <script src=""></script>
                    '<?php echo $clientToken ?>',
                    'dropin', {
                      container: 'payment-form',
                $class_bt_form = new FD_Braintree_Form();
                $bt_form = $class_bt_form->fd_bt_form();
                echo $bt_form;

    -End Edit-

    My original feedback before I got the extra info:

    I think there are two likely culprits here (without seeing your code).

    1. You put a form inside of a form.
    2. Your buttons/submits specifies a form by name.

    #1 Example

       <input ...>
       <input ...>
       <input type="submit" form="SomeForm" value="Submit Form 1">
          <input ...>
          <input ...>
       <input type="submit" form="SomeForm" value="Submit Form 2">

    #2 Example

    <form name="SomeForm" id="SomeForm">
       <input form="SomeForm" ...>
       <input form="SomeForm" ...>
       <input type="submit" form="SomeForm" value="Submit Form 1">
       <input form="SomeForm" ...>
       <input form="SomeForm" ...>
       <input type="submit" form="SomeForm" value="Submit Form 2">

    Here is an example of form nesting that will work on some browsers in html5 (not recommended solution).

    <form name="SomeForm" id="SomeForm">
       <input form="SomeForm" ...>
       <input form="SomeForm" ...>
       <input type="submit" form="SomeForm" value="Submit Form 1">
       <form name="SomeForm2" id="SomeForm2">
          <input form="SomeForm2"  ...>
          <input form="SomeForm2" ...>
           <input type="submit" form="SomeForm2" value="Submit Form 2">

    Wordpress is a very popular and very powerful tool. However, whenever I am forced to look at it's code, I am reminded why I don't use it. This is the worst PHP code of any well-adapted program I have seen. It is downright awful. If any of the people reading this are learning PHP and using Wordpress as an example, please do yourself a favor and use ANY other source of PHP example code. Wordpress is utter garbage, code-wise.

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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