doushajian2018 2015-09-25 08:59
浏览 61


I am using woocommerce subscriptions plugin. I want to get the subscription price plus the sign up fee of a product of type "simple subscription".

I am able to get subscription price using this function :

<?php WC_Subscriptions_Product::get_price( $product ) ?>

However I want to have the sign up fee also, so that I can add the prices together and display.

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  • douting0585 2015-09-25 16:30

    Take a look in the class-wc-product-subscription.php file. There are two functions get_sign_up_fee_including_tax() and get_sign_up_fee_exluding_tax().

    So you should be able to get the sign up fee like so:


    Sidenote, I think you can get the pure price from $product->get_price() but you will need Subscriptions specific functions to get the subscriptions strings. ---




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