doumen9709 2015-09-07 12:32
浏览 69

跟随者限制使用PHP到达Instagram API

Im trying to get all my information from my Instagram profile. If i got <50 followers it displays correct. My test profile has like 7 - 8 followers. My real profile has like 200 followers but the max what my code is printing is 49 when limit = 0 in my functions. When I change that limit to 25000 it prints +- 100 followers. My main question is. How do i get the correct amount of followers when the amount is > 200.

my function:

public function getUserFollower($id = 'self', $limit = 25000)
    $params = array();
    if ($limit > 0) {
        $params['count'] = $limit;
    return $this->_makeCall('users/' . $id . '/followed-by', true, $params);

Im Calling my Object how I'm supposed to. It works.

$getFollowers = $instagram->getUserFollower();

Then I'm counting my amount of followers:

echo '<b>Followers:</b> '. count($getFollowers->data).'</br>';

But the limit in this case (using my real profile) is : 96

do i have to use the 'pagination' from instagram? If i need to, how should i do that?

Thanks in advance,

Armando v O

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  • douhan8009 2015-09-08 09:48

    I fixed it now. Im doing it without the pagination class. So it's saving code. Means less server space. (Not that it's much space).

    $getFollowers = $instagram->getUserFollower()
    $iFollowers = 0;
        $iFollowers += count($getFollowers->data);
            $getFollowers = json_decode(file_get_contents($getFollowers->pagination->next_url));
        } else {
            $getFollowers = FALSE;
    }while ($getFollowers !== FALSE);
    echo 'Followers: '.$iFollowers. "<br / >";

    Thanks for helping.

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