drze7794 2015-07-23 23:57
浏览 77


I am using slim framework to create api's for android app.In CreateUser api, i am sending mail to user using phpmailer.Phpmailer is sending the mails to user perfectly but my array response is returning null array response due to it.When i remove the code of phpmailer response is correct and when i add it ,it generates null reponse.

Here is my code in Dbhandler.php:

   $app->post('/requestPreview', function() use ($app) {
        verifyRequiredParams(array('fname', 'lname', 'email','event_code','app_version'));
        global $user_id;
        $response = array();

        $fname = urldecode($app->request->post('fname'));
        $lname = urldecode($app->request->post('lname'));
        $email =  urldecode($app->request->post('email'));
        $event_code =  urldecode($app->request->post('event_code'));
        $app_version =  urldecode($app->request->post('app_version'));
        $db = new DbHandler();
        $res = $db->signup($fname, $lname, $email,$event_code,$app_version);

        if ($res['status']=="one") {
            $response["event_code"] = $event_code;
            $response["email"] = $email;
            $response["fname"] =$fname;
            $response["lname"] = $lname;
            $response["CreateUser"] = true;
                       $mail = new PHPMailer();  
                           $mail->SMTPDebug = 2;

                           $mail->Debugoutput = 'html';
                           $mail->Host = "smtp.gmail.com";
                           $mail->SMTPAuth = true;

                           $mail->Username = "abc.abc@gmail.com";
                           $mail->Password = "***********";
                           $mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls';
                           $mail->Port = 587;

                           $mail->From     = "abc.abc@gmail.com";
                           $mail->Subject  = "Welcome to www.abc.com .Your Account has been created and your password is:";
                           $mail->Body     = "Welcome to www.abc.com .Your Account has been created and your password is:";


        } else if ($res['status']=="two"){

            $response["error"] ="already_in_system";
            $response["fname"] = null;
            $response["lname"] = null;

        echoRespnse(200, $response);


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  • dongzhaoshi8497 2015-07-24 02:13

    Update to latest PHPMailer and base your code on an up to date example, then read the troubleshooting docs. It's very likely you're running into Google auth issues.

    Your PHPMailer code never touches $response, suggesting it may be exiting prematurely due to an error, so trace what's happening in your function.

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