doucheng5705 2015-07-10 09:00
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通过Magento中的CMS Page查看具有特定自定义属性值的类别中的产品

I have made a book store in magento. I have made a custom attribute called 'Author' that has names of author who has written the book.
I have made categories for the book like Fiction, Fantasy, Horror.
I have made a CMS page for Every Author. Eg. For CMS page of Author ABC. I have categories listed i.e (Fiction, Fantasy, Horror) inside that CMS Page.
When user clicks on the Fantasy link on that CMS page I need it to redirect it to page listing Books under Fantasy Category by Author ABC I tried giving link like "" but when we click, it redirects to "".
How to list Books under Fantasy Category by Author ABC ?

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  • duandou2763 2015-07-10 13:50

    You should check how default magento sends parameters in URL. When the URL switches the protocol that is from http to https, params appended with "? = " will be lost.

    Try using following format :

    Also ensure that your attribute is filterable in layered navigation and your category is marked as anchor.

    Hope this helps!!

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