dongpang2029 2015-04-30 19:59
浏览 61


Sorry for possible newbie question, but I need to use xml for an import. I've figured it out so far but then scratched my eyeballs out while trying to figure out this (and searched for it)

I have this

$xml = new DOMDocument("1.0","UTF-8");
$container = $xml-> createElement("container");
$container = $xml-> appendChild($container);

$xtags = $xml->CreateElement("tags",$maxnum); $xtags = $container->appendChild($xtags);
if($xml->save("stuff2.xml")){echo 'success';} else {echo 'not working';}

Basically I dont want to create a child node for ever value of a loop. And I know thats not the proper way to do it, nor is array_values and so on. But it's what I want to achieve. I need to generate an XML file for wpall import so that I can succesfully bulk import to woocommerce. The specific attribute here i ize, and Im getting that usingfile_get_contents` from the server, parsing which xpath with a foreach loop. Problem is I want them all in a single field rather than having this


and so on, when I want it like this <size><value>1,2,3....</value></size>

Any help, please?

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  • dqc42632 2015-04-30 20:08

    Then you do not need to use an array, you can do something like:

    echo "<size><value>";
    foreach($n as $n){
    $string="$string, ".$n;
    echo $string;
    echo" </value></size>";
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