I am trying to do the same thing than in here:
How can review be moved below product description in woocommerce?
Only difference is that I want to move description tab. I've tried to change parameters in example below but I didn't managed to handle it.
add_action('woocommerce_after_single_product_summary', create_function( '$args', 'call_user_func(\'comments_template\');'), 14);
Alternatively, I was trying to move tabs to the top so description tab would be full width (I need it because I'm using big tables see: https://chemiq.sk/produkt/test/).
I've tried to do it with css
.woocommerce-tabs .panel {margin-left: 0px}
because I'm not familiar with creating new hooks, however it was not working. No change afterwards on live website at all.
Both of solutions would work.