- For SoftLayer_Security_Certificate, you only need the identifier from this, you can retrieve the Security Certificates identifiers with the following method:
Method: SoftLayer_Account::getSecurityCertificates
Link: http://sldn.softlayer.com/reference/services/SoftLayer_Account/getSecurityCertificates
Then you can delete this, using SoftLayer_Security_Certificate:deleteObject method.
Here an example:
* Delete Security Certificate
* This script deletes a security certificate
* Important manual pages:
* @see http://sldn.softlayer.com/reference/services/SoftLayer_Security_Certificate/deleteObject
* @license <http://sldn.softlayer.com/wiki/index.php/license>
* @author SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. <sldn@softlayer.com>
require_once '\vendor\autoload.php';
* Your SoftLayer API username
* @var string
$username = "set me";
* Your SoftLayer API key
* Generate one at: https://control.softlayer.com/account/users
* @var string
$apiKey = "set me";
* Define the security certificate identifier. You can retrieve the identifiers from them using
* SoftLayer_Account::getSecurityCertificates
* @var int
* @see http://sldn.softlayer.com/reference/services/SoftLayer_Account/getSecurityCertificates
$securityCertificateId = 14584;
// Create a SoftLayer API client object for "SoftLayer_Security_Certificate" service
$client = \SoftLayer\SoapClient::getClient('SoftLayer_Security_Certificate', null, $username, $apiKey);
// Set init parameters
$client -> setInitParameter($securityCertificateId);
try {
$result = $client -> deleteObject();
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo "Unable to delete Security Certificate " . $e -> getMessage();
Regarding to SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Protection_Firewall_Dedicated objects that you have in your account, you can get all of them with their billingItems with the following Rest request:
Method: Post
"_objectType:SoftLayer_Network_Vlan_Firewall _sort:[fullyQualifiedDomainName:asc]"
Once you got the billingItem from Firewall Dedicated, you can delete it with the following php script:
* This script cancels the resource or service for a billing item
* Important manual pages:
* @see http://sldn.softlayer.com/reference/services/SoftLayer_Billing_Item/cancelService
* @license <http://sldn.softlayer.com/wiki/index.php/license>
* @author SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. <sldn@softlayer.com>
require_once '\vendor\autoload.php';
* Your SoftLayer API username
* @var string
$username = "set me";
* Your SoftLayer API key
* Generate one at: https://control.softlayer.com/account/users
* @var string
$apiKey = "set me";
$endPoint = "http://stable.application.qadal0501.softlayer.local/v3.1/sldn/soap/";
* Declare the billing item identifier from Network Protection Firewall Dedicated
* @var int
$billingItemId = 26382998;
// Create a SoftLayer API client object for "SoftLayer_Billing_Item" service
$client = \SoftLayer\SoapClient::getClient('SoftLayer_Billing_Item', null, $username, $apiKey, $endPoint);
// Set init parameters
$client -> setInitParameter($billingItemId);
try {
$result = $client -> cancelService();
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo "Unable to Cancel Service: " . $e -> getMessage();
For Monitoring package objects, the following script will help to get the monitoring package for a virtual guest and its billing item:
* This script retrieves a billing item of "monitoring_package" category code from a virtual guest
* Important manual pages:
* @see http://sldn.softlayer.com/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Billing_Item
* @see http://sldn.softlayer.com/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/getBillingItem
* @license <http://sldn.softlayer.com/wiki/index.php/license>
* @author SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. <sldn@softlayer.com>
require_once '\vendor\autoload.php';
* Your SoftLayer API username
* @var string
$username = "set me";
* Your SoftLayer API key
* Generate one at: https://control.softlayer.com/account/users
* @var string
$apiKey = "set me";
// Declare the server identifier
$serverId = 14463961;
// Create a SoftLayer API client object for "SoftLayer_Account" service
$guestService = \SoftLayer\SoapClient::getClient('SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest', $serverId, $username, $apiKey);
// Declare an object mask to relational properties
$objectMask = "mask[activeAssociatedChildren]";
$guestService -> setObjectMask($objectMask);
try {
$billingItems = $guestService -> getBillingItem();
foreach($billingItems -> activeAssociatedChildren as $billingItem)
if($billingItem -> categoryCode == "monitoring_package")
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo "Unable to get billing item: " . $e -> getMessage();
Once you got the billingItem from Monitoring Package, you can cancel this with SoftLayer_Billing_Item::cancelService.
Php SoftLayer Client: