I have two tables
ProductStylesTable.php and ProductStyleImagesTable.php which extends ImageStorageTable which is connect to my FileStorage Table in my sql that was created with the migration tool.
Upload works fine.
// ProductStylesController.php
public function upload($product_style_id = null) {
$this->ProductStyles->ProductStyleImages->upload( $product_style_id, $entity)
class ProductStyleImagesTable extends ImageStorageTable {
//initialize code...
public function upload($product_style_id, $entity) {
$entity = $this->patchEntity($entity, [
'adapter' => 'Local',
'model' => 'ProductStyles',
'foreign_key' => $product_style_id,
return $this->save($entity);
Awesome, ProductStyleImages is listening for the upload method and places it in the appropriate folder. I was hoping this would work the same for delete.
So I called
//In my ProductStyleImagesTable.php
public function delete($fileStorageID = null) {
//deleting the row, hoping for ImageProcessingListener to pick it up?
$FileStorageTable = TableRegistry::get('FileStorage');
$query = $FileStorageTable->query();
->where(['id' => $fileStorageID ])
I get an error that delete must be compatible with the interface. So to avoid this conflict I renamed my function to 'removeImage'. It works in removing the row but the Listener isn't picking it up. I looked in ImageStorageTable.php and FileStorageTable.php. I see the afterDelete methods. But i'm unsure how to trigger them since i'm unsure how to configure my delete methods to match the interface.