CentOS 6.0. I noticed that the emails sent from ThunderBird client using this server are alright with correct time and everything. But when i send an email using php script, the email is received with -7:05h difference, therefore being received way behind the new emails. The time mysql uses when inserting a new row with ON_UPDATE CUR_TIMESTAMP is correct, but if i use php's date() function to get the time - it's with that -7:05h difference. Looking it up on Google always points out to a wrong timezone, but the php.ini is set to the correct one (America/Denver). When i change the php.ini to Europe/London the date() function prints correct time, but the emails still have the time difference.
Tue 20 Jan 2015 01:22:37 PM GMT -0.828380 seconds
**echo date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A');**
Tuesday 20th of January 2015 06:07:35 AM