I'm working on a WordPress website. I am using the ACF Pro plugin. I have a select field and I want to assign a second value to each option. The first value is being used as a heading. The second is a percentage figure (at the moment just a string). This will be used as a label as well as a data-percentage value. I cant get the select values to work with my array. Here is my code.
<h4>Qualification: <?php echo $array_test; ?></h4>
And then the array;
$myArray = array('$array_tests');
$myArray[0]= '20%';
$myArray[1]= '40%';
$myArray[2]= '60%';
$myArray[3]= '80%';
$myArray[4]= '100%';
echo "<h1> Test:";
echo $myArray;
echo "<h1>";
And finally using the modified array's output as a data-percentage;
<div class="skillbar clearfix" data-percent="<?php echo $myArray ?>%">